
giant rubber duck

When Saya had a day off of school I took her to see the giant rubber duck in Pittsburgh. We had a really fun day. We also went to the Andy Warhol Museum because she had never been before, but we weren't allowed to take pictures there.


love these two

I have been sick for the past few days and feeling really bad. These two have been so sweet to me. I want to give them lots of hugs and cuddles, but I am staying away, so I don't get them sick. I hope they stay healthy.
(These pics are from our trip to DC in September.)

cozy at home

I live for days when I get to spend the whole day at home with my family. My daughter likes those kind of days too.  Our house is very cozy. I recently did a thorough cleaning and organizing.  We can never keep it perfectly tidy, buy it is comfortable.